mixtape Photos

mixtape Photos


1160 st clair ave w
Toronto, ON M6E1B3, Canada

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Tel: 4168252534
Mobile: 4168252534
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Website: www.mixtapephotos.com
Blog: www.mixtapephotos.com/blog
Saajid sam Motala


Areas Serviced

Toronto & Central Ontario




Mixtape Photos is Saajid Motala, a Toronto, Ontario native who picked up a camera while studying graphic design at George Brown and hasn’t stopped shooting since. Running through the city with a camera, sketch book and pair of trusted Blundstones, Saajid is always looking for the next adventure. Saajid is an experienced portrait and lifestyle photographer, from families to politicians, and everything in between. Saajid’s clients have included: Torstar Media, Second City, Gay Lea Foods NOW Magazine, Flash in a Can, Clutch Design Co., Lover Magazine, HoHoTO, City of Toronto, Human Resources Professional Association, Barbados Tourism, Canadian Immigrant Magazine, Broken Pencil Magazine, Toronto Kickball, Easter Seals, the Canadian Cancer Society and more. Contact Saajid at saajid@mixtapephotos.com or at mixtapephotos.com.