Chaisson Creative

Chaisson Creative


6130 Drinkwater rd.,
Port Alberni, BC V9Y8W6, Canada

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Tel: 2507357981
Mobile: 1 (250) 735 7981
E-mail: View Email
Darran Chaisson


Areas Serviced

Vancouver Island


Commercial, Fine Art Landscape, Music Events




Darran Chaisson is a professional photographer based in Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Before starting his studio practise, Darran was an industrial mechanic working in some of the most remote parts of Canada. His influences include Ansel Adams, Bev Davis, Sherman Hines, and Mike Tittle, for their diverse body of work and the depth of feeling they achieve. A self-taught artist for over forty years, Darran specializes in corporate and marketing photography, and fine art landscape images. He also has a love for capturing live music concerts and sports photography. He takes great satisfaction in creating just the right image to suit his client’s needs without going over budget. He is continually motivated by the challenge of getting his camera to produce the scene and emotion in his mind’s eye. When left to his own devices, he will seek out and capture the unparalleled, raw beauty of the rainforest and ocean on Canada’s west coast. Darran continues to refine and experiment with his medium while maintaining a high personal standard for quality, integrity, and customer service. Darran has produced ad campaigns for clients across Canada and was selected from over 18,000 entrants as the 2017 grand prize winner for BC Ferries’ #stormwatchBC photo competition. His award-winning photography can be found in private collections in the UK, Canada, Korea, and USA, used in promotion for musicians all across North America, and his product photography on numerous websites around the world.