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  • Webcode: 248313 • Mfr: HK-DG67-II
Product Highlights
  • 3-Filter Set
  • UV Ultra-Violet Filter
  • ND Neutral Density Filter
  • CP Circular Polarizer Filter
  • Reduces Haze & Increases Image Clarity
  • Prevents Reflection & Glare
  • Increases Colour & Tonal Saturation
  • Allows for Use of Wider Aperture
  • 67mm Diameter Thread
Hoya 67mm Digital Filter Kit 2 - UV, PL-CIR,  Neutral Density 8x, Pouch Hoya 67mm Digital Filter Kit 2 - UV...
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Digital Filter Kit 2 

HOYA Digital Filter Kit II brings 3 main filters in one package which frequent use at the time of photography and is a kit for economic guides. Three kinds of next filters are packed in a filter porch.


A UV filter is used to intercept UV light and is done a general protection of the lens. Made of high quality UV cut and anti-reflective coat is given both sides. It will not affect the quality of your image.


A circular polarizer filter is a basic filter with polarization effect to eliminate unwanted reflections or to enhance contrast of the sky and nature objects.

Its frame thickness is slim than a previous Filter Kit One.


A ND(Neutral Density)8 filter reduces the light quantity for 3-stops and is equivalent to 8 times longer shutter speed. It is to wider aperture during shiny day or to imitate blur motion of the water and moving objects. This filter is effective to avoid the diffraction phenomenon which occurs by slow iris.

Filter factor 8, Transmissivity 12.5%, Density 0.9 f/stop 3.

What's Included

UV Filter
Circular Polarizer
Neutral Density 8 Filter


Product Specifications

Digital Filter Kit 2

Type Digital Filter Kit
Grade UV: Not Applicable
Circular Polarizer: Not Applicable
Neutral Density: 8 (3-stops)
Filter Factor UV: Not Applicable
Circular Polarizer: Between 2.3 and 2.8 (approx. +1.3 stops)
Neutral Density: Reduces ISO to 1/8
Multi-Coated ONLY The UV is multi-coated
Rotating     ONLY the circular polarizer
Effect     UV: Reduces excessive blue; cuts through haze and can improve image clarity; protects front element of lens
Circular Polarizer: Removes reflections and increases color saturation without affecting the overall colour balance
Neutral Density: ND filters appear gray and reduce the amount of light reaching the film, they have no affect on colour balance
Application Outdoor, nature and landscape photography
Construction Glass

Questions & Answers

Hoya 67mm Digital Filter Kit 2 - UV, PL-CIR, Neutral Density 8x, Pouch

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